Four Winds Mastery of Time

October 22 - 27, 2017

(845) 688-6897 EXT 7507

  • Deluxe Queen – $1,355.75
  • Deluxe Double (Shared Room) – $934.50
  • Private Queen – $1,215.00
  • Camping – $525.00
  • Commuter – $520.00

Please note that pricing includes meals and accommodations.


In Mastery of Time you will dance at the razor’s edge where there is no clock time — at the place of infinity. In this powerful experiential class you will learn skills to master dream—time, sacred time, and linear time — and learn how the future can reach back to the present like a giant hand to guide us, and our clients, to a desired destiny. You will work with your personal timeline to source your life from your Destiny. You will also work globally, at the level of the collective, using tools such as sacred drama and an archetypal mesa, which you will build during the training.

Requirements: North or 300-hour program. Please note that you must register with The Four Winds prior to booking a room with us at Menla.

Sample schedule

4pm First day program starts

8 – 9am Breakfast

9am Morning Program

12:30 – 1:30am Lunch

1:30pm Afternoon Program

6 – 7am Dinner

8pm Evening ceremonies

12pm Last day program ends

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