Antonio Vasaiely

Antonio Vasaiely is a dynamic entrepreneur and executive with a rich background in both multinational corporations and startups. Originating from Hamburg, Germany, with a foundation in Computer Science, he specializes in Software, Complex Distributed Systems, and AI. Antonio is dedicated to driving digitalization forward, holding key roles in sales, product, strategy, and business development. He actively contributes to the startup ecosystem as an investor and advisor, including a notable advisory role with the United Nations on AI and smart technology. Antonio contributed to the successful British effort to bring mindfulness programs to all their school students.

Upcoming Programs by Antonio Vasaiely

The Future of Education: Answering the Call to Re-envision Learning

Also With Robert A.F. Thurman, Anthony Holland, Jayne Gumpel, LCSW and Amy Edelstein

February 7 - 9, 2025

This Future of Education retreat will convene an intimate group of innovative and passionate thinkers from diverse fields to co-create a step change in our educational paradigm, one that will meet the reality of the present and set the foundations for truly positive future. Thank you for responding to this call to envision what's possible. […]