Asha Gala

Lifestyle coach and Mindfulness based stress reduction teacher

Over the past decade, Asha has worked as a lifestyle coach in New Jersey. Today she puts these skills to use by supporting you on the day-in, day-out aspects of your healing journey. From designing and teaching lifestyle medicine classes, to facilitating support groups for patients healing from chronic illness, to providing one-on-one lifestyle counseling sessions, Asha is here for you – offering not only professional support, but also personal understanding.

Asha became a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR Teacher), Training Level 1, through Brown University’s Mindfulness Center and is qualified to teach MBSR courses. She has also achieved National Board Certification as a Health and Wellness Coach.

Asha is excited to ease your path on the journey to excellent health, gently and compassionately helping you put into practice everything she has learned over her decades of study and experimentation. She can relate to your hectic schedule, technological struggles, and other life challenges, having gone through them with her family, and she stands ready to support you as she has so many others – in successfully losing over 50 pounds of weight, getting off all medications, and/or reversing chronic illness.

In her own life today, Asha incorporates not only a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet, but also dance, meditation, music, and hiking, as tools for healthy and harmonious living.