Claudia Welch
Dr. Claudia Welch is the author of Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness Through Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Western Science and The Four Qualities of Effective Physicians: Practical Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Physicians. She is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, an Ayurvedic practitioner and international speaker. Dr. Welch explores how ideas in Eastern medicine apply to women’s health, and today’s reality in general. She’s a self-professed student of life! She’s also a co-founder of Satsangam, a collaborative learning community which supports transforming knowledge and experience into living wisdom through the contemporary study and application of Vedic knowledge systems for the benefit of all beings. The Vedic perspective that truth belongs to, nourishes and supports positive transformation in all individuals and communities. Learn more at DrClaudiaWelch.com and satsangam.net.