Cristie Kephart-Downs

Psychic-Medium & Metaphysical Researcher

As a retired U.S. Military Intelligence Officer and former Civilian Intelligence Community Leader, Cristie brings to the world of Esoteric Spirituality and Metaphysical Research an unusual blend of skill, expertise and experience, colored by more than 2 decades of international work and travel in the intelligence and national security fields.

Combining a framework of Evolutionary Astrology, Esoteric Spirituality, Mediumship and a synthesis of uniquely developed, “analytic tradecraft,” Cristie’s work is predicated on the concept of reincarnation and centers around uncovering the history of the karmic evolutionary journey of the human soul, as it reincarnates across multiple lifetimes. Using the natal chart as a key to unlock the blueprint of the soul’s evolutionary journey, Cristie then uses clairvoyant clues to piece together the current evolutionary intention of this life’s journey, past karmic patterns,  potential challenges, and the tools & strategies the soul brings to the journey to help reconcile karma and achieve the intended soul growth. Seeking to answer the questions:  Why am I here and what are my lessons? Cristie uses the patterns of the past to magnify awareness in the present moment, so that you can then make empowered choices about your future.