Irina Devi

Irina is a spiritual teacher, transformational coach, and MFT (Marriage and Family Therapist) Irina offers private consultations and group teachings in supporting mind and body through
personal growth, therapeutic grade essential oils, movement, meditation, breathing techniques, and feminine embodiment practices to sustain overall joy and vitality. Her work has evolved into
unique, holistic, and individualized approach to women’s emotional and physical wellbeing during lifespan stages, including pregnancy and menopause. Mother of one, holding a Bachelor’s
Degree in Psychology, Master’s in Education and MFT, certifications in Yoga, Taoist healing arts, and Tantric teachings. She lives and works in Manhattan, New York where she had founded
her La Femme Rose spiritual women network. She organizes classes and monthly women gatherings in New York as well as retreats around the world.
