Karen McAllister, BEcon, CMC, Co-Active Coach®
Karen McAllister, BEcon, CMC, Co-Active Coach®
Karen has been certified by Deborah Price of The Money Coaching Institute as a Certified Money Coach, Couples Money Coach, and Business Archetype Coach. She has studied extensively with Lynne Twist from the Soul of Money Institute on Mastering your Money and Transforming your Life.
Karen is also a founding member of the Namgyal-lineage Clear Sky Meditation Center in British Columbia, founded in 2004 and dedicated to awakening in this lifetime. She helped the center grow into a financially stable operation after a trying startup period. Her roles presently include: Dharma and meditation teacher; co-creator and teacher of the Ignite your Spiritual Life program at the center; Chair of the Board and Director of Fund Development.
In money coaching, Karen has worked with over 100 spiritual explorers and spiritual centers over a period of 10 years in groups and individually in America, Canada, Europe, and South America. She brings a clear perspective to bear on financial issues and skillfully incorporates the emotional, behavioral, and practical. Karen is a warm and compassionate facilitator of the healing process when it comes to each person’s relationship with money, starting anywhere on the graph.