Kelly Boys

Kelly Boys is a mindfulness trainer and author of The Blind Spot Effect. She has created mindfulness programs for UN humanitarians, veterans with PTSD, and directed a train-the-trainer program for Google’s emotional intelligence and mindfulness course. She has worked with the United Nations Foundation, Search Inside Yourself Institute, Integrative Restoration Institute, and Prison Yoga Project. Kelly is the founding advisor for the Simple Habit meditation app. 
Kelly has a background in nondual Kashmir Shaivism which has similarities with the Tibetan teachings of Dzogchen. She has an integrated approach which blends embodied mindfulness together with nondual spiritual teachings. She holds a degree in Intercultural Religious Studies and has mentored intensively with nondual-based psychologists as well as working in the field of mindfulness for over a decade. Kelly’s style of teaching is heart-centered and insightful, holding space for an inner process to unfold that brings about a deeper sense of connection with ourselves and the world around us.