Luke Sellars

Luke was first introduced to Meditation 14 years ago as a possible solution to mental illness and addiction due to brain trauma from playing professional hockey. He has developed his approach to self-realization and life-mastery through his experiences as a hockey player and dedicated practitioner of Kriya Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Tibetan Mysticism over the past 16 years. As a council member of The School of the Heart ( and under the direct guidance of the Great Masters Daniel Mitel and Drunvalo Melchizedek Luke has developed a comprehensive non-invasive process to evaluate the overall health, well-being and performance in all areas of ones life. Through this in-depth evaluation, Luke purposes a customized program of herbs, actionable behaviors, mindfulness and meditative practice deconstructing your belief patterns and cleaning your emotional traumas opening you to being your most authentic self.