Owen Powell

Owen is an Interfaith minister and the founder and president of the Warrior Mystic Therapy Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the effective treatment of PTSD through spiritual-consciousness based therapy.  Owen is a 25-retiree of the US Armed Forces, having served in both the active duty U.S. Marine Corps and active duty U.S. Army. He is a combat veteran of Iraq (2006-2007, Baghdad). Two years after he retired, Owen had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening, which drove him to become a Kundalini Yoga (KRI Level I and II certified) teacher, receive tantric empowerment from HH the Sakya Trizin, and to deeply study Interfaith Spirituality, Shamanism and Mysticism in order to address his PTSD.  Owen has studied with Dr Robert Thurman at Tibet House and Menla for years, and teaches Kundalini Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and Shamanic Sound Healing regularly at Menla. As a published author, licensed skydiver, certified scuba diver, artist, psychonaut, yogi and teacher, Owen embodies the healing archetypes of the Warrior Mystic and the Wounded Healer.