Outing the Ego: from Anxiety, Addiction and Depression to Love, Relief and Understanding
With Mark Epstein, M.D. and Robert A.F. Thurman
August 24 - 26, 2018
Both Buddhist and Western psychologies have found that the ego, the primary mechanism of defense against the unpredictability of the world, is not always to be trusted. Anxiety, addiction and depression have their roots in the ego’s misguided attempts to control our experience. Based in a belief in its own separateness, the ego all too often acts in a frightened, clumsy and inefficient manner, whispering to us in our inner thoughts and driving a wedge between self and others.
While the ego is a necessary construction, it can be treacherous. It is a mistake to give it too much power. Focused on discussion and meditation practice, this workshop will explore using the Buddha’s Eightfold Path to bring the ego out of its hiding places. Until we face the ego head on, we can never find the relief and love we yearn for. Using material from Mark’s new book, Advice Not Given: A Guide to Getting Over Yourself, as well as ancient Buddhist wisdom, Mark and Bob will offer thoughtful and inspiring alternatives to our habitual egocentric preoccupations.
These teachings are appropriate for health care professionals as well as the general public. Health care professionals will be able to incorporate the tools and practices offered in this program in ways beneficial to clients or patients.
14 Continuing Education Credits are available for attending this program:
- CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Resource Center (SCRC) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Resource Center is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Spiritual Competency Resource Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
- The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
- LCSWs and MFTs from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board for approval.
- SCRC is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California.
- For questions about CE, visit www.spiritualcompetency.com or contact David Lukoff, PhD at CE@spiritualcompetency.com. For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact menla@menla.org.
- The filing fee for CEs for this program is $65, payable to Menla either at registration or by the time you check in.
Friday, August 24th
- 3 – 8pm Check- in
- 6 – 7pm Dinner
- 7:15pm Welcome Program (Nalanda Conference Center)
Saturday, August 25th
- 7 – 8am Tibetan Nejang Longevity Yoga (Nalanda Conference Center)
- 8 – 9am Breakfast
- 9:30 – 12pm Program (Nalanda Conference Center)
- 12 – 1pm Lunch
- 1 – 4pm Free time for Spa Treatments, Hiking
- 2:30 – 4pm Qi Gong with Paul Bloom (Nalanda Conference Center Yoga Studio)
- 4 – 6pm Program (Nalanda Conference Center)
- 6 – 7pm Dinner
- 7:30pm Program (Nalanda Conference Center)
Sunday, August 26th
- 7 – 8am Tibetan Nejang Longevity Yoga (Nalanda Conference Center)
- 8 – 9am Breakfast
- 9:30 – 12pm Closing Program (Nalanda Conference Center)
- 12 – 1pm Lunch and Departure
Note: Schedule is subject to change at anytime
About the Leaders

Mark Epstein, M.D.
Mark Epstein, M.D. is a psychiatrist in New York City and the author of a number of books about the interface of Buddhism & psychotherapy, including Thoughts without a Thinker, Going to Pieces without Falling Apart, Going on Being, Open to Desire, Psychotherapy without the Self, The Trauma of Everyday Life & Psychotherapy without the […]
Learn more about Mark Epstein, M.D.
Robert A.F. Thurman
Robert Thurman is Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University as well as co-founder and President of Tibet House US and it's Menla Retreat & Spa. A world-wide lecturer on Tibetan Buddhism, activist for the plight of the Tibetan people, translator of Buddhist texts, and writer of popular Buddhist books. He recently has been awarded […]
Learn more about Robert A.F. ThurmanCategory : Menla Retreat (all retreats)